dimanche 20 avril 2008

Zuii, you're Iced Spicy

i have to be spunky. i dunno what to do, what i must say. what have you become ? who are you, now ? i dont know when, i dont know where, i dont know how, i dont know why, but we've lost our mind. i miss the moments we were laughing ourself silly. i miss your stupid jokes, your kind words. u didnt talk much, but i knew why. your silence was calming. now its kinda embarassing. yeah, we have grown up, but deep into our heart, we still are the same, you know that? there's a place where we had sat and talked til midnight, remember ? we were looking at the stars and you said that everywhere you'd go, in greece, in GB or in italy, you'd think about me, about us because we would be staring at the same sky. we were eating icecreams like little kids, people were staring at you like u were some bizaroid person but u didnt care. "do what u have to do but dont be ashame if u know u have made the right choice". do u remember the family tree ? with joshua and all. u where my lil sis and we had a bunch of other sibblings. "ever after". i still have the avatar you made for me with the cute ladybird. we saw the world in black and white, we've learned to put colours in it. do u still see these colours ? cuz for me, they're here but yours are missing. red is not red anymore without you. yeah ? "put a little more of pink and it'll be perfect" dunno how much pink i have to put to make the eli's red now. im lost. i dont want to lost another friend. Iced Spicy, i really, really miss you. be strong, im here for you, ill always be there, you know that. please, please remember. what have you become ? please remember us. you're great my luff, be courageous, fight, do something. youre a good person, yeah ? remember... be strong, believe. believe in you, believe in me, believe in what you were. we have to be spunky. lil sis, i know your heart is broken, you're hurt. but. you. are. not. alone. i'll bring u back under the stars, but u have to help me, ok ?

we have to be spunky...

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